Big Bad Bear — 新英雄虛空女王 (打野) Bel’Veth 技能公布洩漏。( 5 月 22 號更新。)

2 年前發表




根據情報,新英雄設計成和狗熊類似的定位,可以同時出 AD 或是 AP 裝。

About Bel'Veth, the next jungler from the Void region that is coming to League of Legends and her leaked Skills Kit:

---- Reddit info:

First of all, she was supposed to be an hybrid champ (like volibear), opening the possibilities of build. She would be more AP than AD (idk if it has been changed) .

Passive - Death In Lavender:

- Enemies (Champs, big monster camps, epic monsters, siege and super minions) drops a "thing" when die. Bel'veth can collect these to stack her passive.This passive forms a swarm based on the stacks. It grants her lifesteal against jg camps. If she attacks a turret or epic monster, she sends her swarm to it, healing her and damaging it. It consumes all stacks.

Q - Void Surge:

- Passively: Bel'veth has a "arrow" in 4 diagonals.- Active: bel'veth dashes, dealing damage and slow. It procs her passive to passed enemies while in Endless Banquet. When she damages a champ/big monster/epic monster (in the direction of the arrow) with her dash, it is fully restored to cast again. Using against small monsters/minions in the direction of the arrow, it restores 40% of Q CD.

W - Above and Below:

- it seems the same as Rek's W with Pyke's W. Bel'veth go underground (actually she enters in a sea, water idk) for a short time, gaining movspeed and going through walls. At the end, she unburrows, dealing damage and knocking up all enemies in the area. While in Endless Banquet, she becomes untargetable, and grants a short stun after the knockup.

E - Royal Maelstrom:

- Bel'veth starts channeling a vortex, during it, she cant move and pull all enemies to her, damaging then for each second. During it, she receives less damage. She give back a % of all damage she received for the attackers (like thornmail). While in Endless Banquet, this deal a % of true damage over second, her damage reduction is higher, and at the end, she can explode its area.

Ultimate - Endless Banquet:

- Bel'veth turns into her true form for (?) seconds (like aatrox's R or swain new R, the duration is high and it can be longer while in combat) buffing all her skills. She gains HP, MR, Armor and Damage.While transformed, collecting (Passive stack) heals bel'veth for a %. She uses all her stacks to form a swarm of (fishes?), damaging enemies champs nearby. The swarm dies after some time, but it can be renewed by killing champs.

NOTE: it may had been changed, but not too far from this. Also, she is coming soon.

So, Bel'Veth kit just leaked in Bel'Veth mains reddit, and i can guarantee this is very believable

Her Passive makes enemies drop "Corals" that stacks and somehow she's able to summon void creatures with it

The Q is a dash that resets A LOT, it is connected to the 4 directions around her but i'm not sure on details

Her W makes her go underground and comes back with a knock up (kinda like Rek'Sai on steroids)

The E has been compared to "old galio ult" where Bel'Veth charges and bursts at the end "giving back" the damage she received

Her Ultimate is just a transformation making her a lot stronger and also improving her skills, also summons a swarm

And yes, this is very subject to change, but also reliably accurate, do you like it?


- 敵方單位(英雄、大型野怪、史詩野怪、砲車、超級小兵)死亡時將會掉落某種「東西」,Bel’Veth 可以撿取他們並增加她的被動層數,並根據被動層數使獲得對野怪的吸血。若 Bel’Veth 攻擊防禦塔或史詩野怪,她會消耗所有被動層數以召喚虛空蟲群(或魚群),造成傷害並治療她。

- 被動:Bel’Veth 身邊四個對角皆會有一個「箭頭」
- 主動:Bel’Veth 移動一段短距離,傷害並緩速經過的敵方單位。若 Bel’Veth 朝「箭頭」方向的敵方英雄/大型野怪施放,會立即重置其冷卻時間;若 Bel’Veth 朝「箭頭」方向的小型野怪/小兵施放,會回復其 40% 冷卻時間。
- 若在 R 技能效果時施放,Bel’Veth 會對經過單位觸發被動效果,召喚虛空蟲群並攻擊他們。

- Bel’Veth 潛伏於地底(看起來更像水底)一段時間,獲得額外移動速度並無視地型限制。技能結束時,Bel’Veth 會跳回地面,擊飛附近單位並造成傷害。
- 若在 R 技能效果時施放,Bel’Veth 會變得無法指定,並在擊飛單位後暈眩他們一段時間。

- Bel’Veth 召喚一個旋渦,期間無法移動並將所有敵方單位拉向自身並每秒對其造成傷害。效果期間,Bel’Veth 獲得部份傷害減免,並反彈敵方對自身造成的一部份傷害。
- 若在 R 技能效果時施放,Bel’Veth 改為每秒造成 % 數的真實傷害,並獲得更多傷害減免。技能效果結束後,Bel’Veth 會引爆旋渦。

- Bel’Veth 會轉化為她的真實型態,強化她所有基礙技能並獲得額外生命、物防、魔防和傷害,持續一段時間。(像斯温R一樣應該有某種延長時效的機制)
- 當轉化後,每當 Bel’Veth 獲得一層被動層數時,會治療她 % 數生命值。Bel’Veth 會消耗所有層數召喚虛空蟲群,傷害附近單位。虛空蟲群會在一段時間後死亡,但會在參與擊殺後刷新。


來源:爆料網友 Big Bad Bear 推特。 

翻譯&討論:巴哈 、PTT 

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